Pattani Basin Gr
Type Locality and Naming
Pattani Basin (central Gulf of Thailand) is the deepest and longest of the rift basins in Thailand. It is the primary hydrocarbon-producing basin in Thailand. The stratigraphy is well-established through boreholes and seismic lines. Jardine (1997) is the main source of the central Pattani Basin stratigraphy which is subdivided into 5 sequences (lowermost Sequence I; uppermost Sequence V).
[Figure: Map showing the Tertiary basins of Thailand. The solid black lines onshore are the principal rivers draining Northern and Central Thailand and the Khorat Plateau (Morley C. K. &Racey A., 2011, page 224).]
Lithology and Thickness
The Pattani Basin contains over 8000 m of section in the deepest parts
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Not available
Upper contact
Regional extent
Pattani Basin (central Gulf of Thailand); but the succession is similar to adjacent basins (Fig. 10.16 in Morley and Racey, 2011)
Depositional setting
The basin-fill is predominantly continental to marginal marine, with sediment shed from highland source areas to the north, east and west. (Morley & Racey, 2011)
Additional Information
"The basin probably began extending during the Oligocene (or possibly late Eocene), and large-scale half-graben rifting ended in the Late Oligocene (Morley & Westaway 2006). The basin subsequently underwent post-rift subsidence, and the central Pattani Basin under- went a maximum of 6000 – 7000 m of latest Oligocene – Recent post-rift subsidence which has buried the syn-rift section beyond imaging on industrial seismic reflection data. Consequently, the basin flanks and more shallow basinal areas in the northern and southern Pattani Basin have provided more information about the syn-rift section than the central Pattani Basin." (Morley & Racey, 2011)